Environmental Approach

Topdental Products is committed to the protection of the environment and to the prevention of pollution. These requirements are an integral part of our decision-making. We believe in a responsible approach to product development, manufacture and supply.

To work with and achieve this, we have identified the following focus areas for our work:

  • To reduce negative effects on the environment from both our finished goods and raw materials.
  • Strive for as efficient energy use as possible.
  • As far as possible, choose raw materials and materials for our products that do not have a negative environmental impact and that include renewable materials.
  • We will reduce the amount of waste produced from our operations and recycle wherever possible.

To succeed in a few focus areas, we have set the following goals to further our ambitions and aspirations:

Topdental - Environmental Transportation


  • Use local suppliers where possible.
  • Encourage customers to bulk buy where possible to reduce number of deliveries.

Electricity and Energy

  • Reduce our electricity usage and regularly monitor consumption.
Topdental - Energe Efficiency
Topdental - Reducing Waste


  • Waste must be sorted and recycled.
  • Reduction to the amount of purchased office paper.
  • 100% recyclable packaging and packing materials.

Raw Materials

  • Strive for a transition to renewable raw materials / materials.
  • All plastic products must be recyclable where this is an option.
Topdental - Environmentally Friendly Raw Materials
Topdental - Product Testing

Product Development

  • The development of new products to help our customers reduce their environmental impact. New products will undergo life cycle assessment to reduce environmental harm throughout their life.
  • The development of new eco products and continuous review of formulations to minimize the environmental impact.


  • Improving the environmental awareness of our staff through awareness campaigns.
Topdental - Environmental Awareness